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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Unexpected Surprises!!!!!

I Love surprises!!! What if I get lot of gifts one bright evening? :) :) :) :)

Here we are back to the form …. Me and Preethi :) :) :)

We met after three weeks of fight) :) :)   I guess this is our first fight de pre  :) :)

I’m really very happy that you are back to me :) :) Meet up 22.06.2013 at your place :) :)

 Unimaginative gifts ……….. It was awe somatic de really  :) :) I will surely have these 

with me until I’m here on this Earth for sure :) :)

Here they are !!!

Also, your memorable message on return to home…. Semma  :) :) Just Love it de <3 <3 <3

“Hereafter shopping pona kupidu, lonely a feel panna call pannu, 

text pannalana fight with me….I don’t want sugar coated friendship….Our 

friendship should have lot of fights, fun, Understanding and Trueness”

Here comes my instant gift to you :P :P Hope you like it de  :) :) :)

Hope to meet you soon :) :) 

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