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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

I did it :) :) :)

Another unbeatable surprise to my Appa:)
Simple and so touching .., Appa haven't ever imagined it before :)

He had tears again for the third time…..Happy tears…… First time on my first month Salary date.., next for his prev birthday for the gift I gave and now:)

Wonderful moments can never be back again!!! Right ……

I couldn't get him a new house with his mom's name engraved but I can make a name board :) :) 

I made him to feel the warmth of his mom by my presence :):) isn't it surprising????

He treats me as his mom.., This is the wonderful credit I can ever get from Father :):) It makes me feel proud of myself that I’m worth living on this Earth:)

Love you always appa :) I’m there for you always and always:):)

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