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Thursday, October 31, 2013

More Expectation ~~~~~ Less Satisfaction

A Day which could be more thrilling but happened just the opposite way I thought…

27-10-2013 “Let’s Party!!- My Parents 25th Wedding Get-together” @ Mamalla Beach Resort 

Invitation link: http://www.eventeve.com/25223/Let%26#039;s%20Party

First Half went on excellent~ I was just amazed and felt happy watching out others happiness……

Beach, Shuttle, Cricket, Volley ball……It was total fun until 2 p.m…and after that?????  

My prayers were not so strong I guess…..

Lot of hopes and plans ~ Rain, Travel, Relatives, Games, Fun, Entertainment ended with just a word “Tears”

So much of efforts were not recognized…..

It wasn’t my fault but still I can’t blame anyone else other than me…Coz I was the one who organized the ceremony……

I’m a total failure who couldn’t make up to my/others expectation…..

One month of continuous effort failed…..  

Taking it in a positive angle~ gained more experience, a Girl with no siblings achieved something better than the worse all alone,  how to handle pain, tackling relatives and friends, etc etc…. 

Next time I will surely handle a function all alone :)

A new and weird experience  

Words from a broken heart  

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