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Friday, December 27, 2013

Pencil Sketches

Can u guess the person ?!!!

He looks funny..... still this is the first human sketch I have ever done....

 Participated in Nielsen Pencil sketch competition... To be frank I was the only one to participate, which gave me some kind of unique feeling when team members appreciated :)

One of my team mate joined later, anyways that special moment was unique to me :) :)

Happieeee for that moment :)

Theme: Festival of colors

Comment posted by HR:

Thanks to Suganya and Blessy for taking part in the Pencil Sketching contest today...The Art will be reviewed with contestants from other ITIS accounts...Keep your Fingers crossed...Attractive Prizes are around the corner..All the best !!!

Art work by our associates Suganya Ramesh and Blessy Lydia for your view. Brilliant work within a short span of time and with just a normal pencil. This is really fantastic treat for your eyes. The representation of the theme has come out very well


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