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Friday, April 19, 2013

At last !!!! a movieeeeeee :) :) :)

Kanchana, Shobana and me!!!!

You may heard of dear friends, close friends and also special friends.., but how about lifelong friends?????

Yes we are.., friendship is on since 20 years…, Isn’t surprising J J

Here we are….. back to the form I guess J J

We went to a movie finally…. Not a good movie but still we 

broke the record.., This is the first film we went together 

…..Many won’t believe this I suppose ;)

Pity news is .., we went with our mom’s :P :P … Engayum 

thaniya poga mudila bhaaa…..Anyways enjoyed to the 


S2 cinemas….E3 to E8 …..Udhayam NH2….

Silent shobi….She is my first friend in my life J J I met her in my kinder garden still our friendship is so strong and bonded.., 

Prety good news is Kanchana is not a bachelor anymore......yahoooooooooooooo…..

 ” TCS is not mine if her support wasn’t der.., I’m thankful to her always…”

Our mom’s are even more closer than us I guess haa haa ;)

Wish to be with you forever Girls!!

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