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Saturday, July 26, 2014

Thirupathi ~ My fav place

Out of all places I visited so far…

The best place is ~~ Thirupathi :) 

What a climate… cleanliness… Cool breezy air all time… soft and cool rain drops… No use of plastics…free transport for everyone… More than that famous God… Popular tourist spot…Perfect security…Maintenance…etc etc…

On the whole, its a perfect place :) Feels good to visit there :)

This time went again for my dad’s Bday :)

Happy Birthday Appa :) :) 

Your long time dream got true I guess ~~ straight in front of God for half an hour !!

It z a miracle (selected thru Dip system out of 1500+ members).... more than that you are so lucky pa :)
Your patience for 30 long years has been answered :)


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